· Maa Gauri Maha Anushthan is an 11 days intensive prayers in which each day Puja and Hawan are performed.
· This is the strongest solution for resolving all the issues and problems in one’s married life.
· Maa Gauri Maha Anushthan increases the love and creates strong attraction between partners.
· Those facing troubles in getting married, benefit heavily with Maa Gauri Anushthan and Maa Gauri blesses with early and happy married life.
· Maa Gauri Puja is performed and the strongest Mantras used by Mata Parvati herself to achieve the love of Mahadev are recited on a daily basis for you, followed by Homam.
· Gauri Maa blesses her devotees with a happy and content love life and Maa Gauri Puja & Anusthan is recommended for a long lived marriage and for reuniting with a separated lover or partner.
11 Days of Intense Prayer – $1100
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Our highly experienced Pandits (Acharayas) will perform Intense prayers as a part of the Maa Gauri Maha Anushthan. The Prayers would span over 11 days. You can book the prayer timings for each day according to your schedule. You will be able to watch a live Maa Gauri Maha Anusthan Online, performed specifically for you. Maa Gauri Maha Anusthan will include your photo, name, birth details, and would be tailored specifically for you.
The Maha Anushthan is performed according to the guidelines prescribed by our ancient sages and Vedic literature using authentic materials (Samagri). The team of Live Online Puja ensures that your Maa Gauri Maha Anushthan is performed by learned Indian Pandits, with the help of a click and in the comfort of your home.
Maa Gauri is also called Mata Shakti as she is the energy source of Mahadev. Shiva and Shakti are the symbols of the masculine and feminine elements in the universe and within each living being. Shiva is the symbol of consciousness, the masculine element. Shakti is a symbol of the feminine element, activating power and energy; Shiv (male) is consciousness, and Shakti (female) is Nature. Hinduism has beautiful legends regarding the incarnation of Shiva and Shakti on Earth. These divine energies went to Earth and manifeste d as the divine couple Shiva and Shakti.
Mata Shakti is one of the most revered goddesses in Hinduism. Along with Lakshmi and Saraswati, she creates the Trinity of Hindu Goddesses (Tridevi). Maa Shakti is the divine cosmic energy that represents feminine energy and the dynamic forces that move through the universe. Maa Shakti is said to be responsible for the creation and can also be an agent of change. The incarnation of Maa Shakti was for the destruction of demonic forces and restoring balance.
Shakti is known by many forms and names, including Mother Goddess, fierce warrior Maa Durga, and the dark Goddess of destruction Maa Kali, the Goddess of Love and affection, Maa Gauri. In Hinduism, every God has an energy force which is called Shakti. Mata Shakti is also called Parvati, Durga, and Kali. She is worshipped for strength, fertility, and power. As Maa Parvati or Maa Gauri, she is the wife of Lord Shiva and the energy behind Lord Shiva, the God of destruction and rejuvenation. Maa Parvati is the symbol of devotion, fertility, marital happiness, power, and asceticism. She is revered as the mother goddess, a universal energy source, creativity, and power.
Shakti is a sum of all other goddesses called Mahadevi, or Great Goddess. As Maa Durga, She is a fierce warrior who killed the demon king Mahisasur and many other evil demons. Maa Kali is another fierce form of Maa Shakti, who is revered throughout India. Maa Kali, whose name is commonly translated as “the black one,” is the dark Goddess of destruction. In Hindu tradition, she symbolizes the destructive and temporary Nature of life. However, her devoted adherents also believe that she protects them both on Earth and in the afterlife.
Soumik Barua, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
One of the many stories of origin, resulting from the many names and forms of Maa Shakti is as mentioned below.
Mata Shakti is believed to have been first born as Maa Durga to slay the demon Mahishasura. This is the reason why the Goddess is called Mahishasura Mardini. According to mythology, Mahishasura had captured the heavens by defeating all the gods. Then all the gods went to Trimurti. Hearing the agony of the gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (Lord Shiva) created a figure from their energy. After this, all the gods put their powers in that Feminine figure. This is the reason why Maa Durga is also called Shakti. Maa Shakti was born as Mata Sati and was married to Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva is not born; he is Swayambhu (“that is created by its own accord”). But details of their origin are found in the Mythological scriptures. Some of the legends are:
Another legend roots to before the creation of this universe. Lord Vishnu was the first god of the world and Lord Brahma came from the navel of Lord Vishnu. After being born, the two have been at war for many years to determine who is stronger between the two. Just then, a shining stone/pillar appeared in the sky, and there was a voice in the sky that he, who finds the ends of this stone, will be considered more powerful. That pillar was Shivling.
Lord Vishnu went downwards, and Lord Brahma went vertically upwards to find the end of the stone. For thousands of years, both Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma kept finding the end of this stone. But no one reached the end. Lord Vishnu folded his hands and said, Lord, you are more powerful. No end of this stone was found. Brahma Ji also did not get the end of this stone. But Brahma Ji thought that if he would say that even he did not get the end, then Lord Vishnu would be considered more knowledgeable. Therefore Lord Brahma said that he had found the end of this stone.
That’s when the voice came from pillar saying, ‘I am a Shivling, and I have no end, no beginning. That’s when Lord Shiva appears from that Shivling. Lord Vishnu gets a boon for telling the truth, while Lord Brahma is cursed for lying that worship of him was prohibited. However, Brahma Ji was later freed from the curse. While Brahma Ji is called the creator of the universe, Lord Vishnu is called the sustainer and protector of the universe. Shivling was born to create balance in the universe. Lord Shiva was born to end the battle of Brahma Ji and Lord Vishnu.
According to Vishnu Purana, Brahma Ji was born from the navel of Lord Vishnu, while Lord Shiva is said to have originated from the energy radiating from Lord Vishnu’s forehead. According to Vishnu Purana, Lord Shiva is always in meditating posture due to the energy of the forehead.
According to another mythological legend, when the entire universe was submerged, and only the Trinity of Gods Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Mahesh (Shiva) existed. Only Lord Vishnu was seen lying on his Sheshnag on the water surface. Then Brahma Ji on the lotus appeared from the navel of the Lord Vishnu. Lord Shiva appeared when Brahma Ji and Vishnu Ji were talking about the creation. Brahma Ji refused to recognize Lord Shiva.
Then fearing Lord Shiva’s displeasure, Lord Vishnu provided divine vision and reminded Brahma Ji of Lord Shiva. On realizing his mistake and Brahma Ji apologized to Lord Shiva and asked for his blessings for him (Shiva) to be born as his son. Shiva accepted Brahma’s prayer. When Brahma Ji started creating the universe, he needed a child and then remembered the blessings of Lord Shiva. So Brahma Ji did penance, and the boy Shiva appeared as a child in his lap.
Just by meditating on Lord Shiva, the image that emerges in mind is that of a recluse. He has Trishul (trident) in one hand, Damru (a small handheld drum) in the other hand, and snake garland around his neck. That is to say, these three things are connected with Shiva. If you go anywhere in the world, you will definitely see these three things with Mahadev. Lord Shiva’s devotees are another thing very dear to his heart. One of such devotee is Nandi who is often represented as a Bull.
There are interesting stories behind; how their relationship got made with Shiva?
Lord Shiva has the best knowledge of all types of weapons, but there is a reference of his two major weapons in the mythological stories; one is the bow, and the other is Trishul (trident). The story about the bow is that Lord Shiva himself made it. But there is no story about how the Trishul came to him. It is believed that when Shiva appeared at the beginning of the universe, then all three qualities of Raj, Tam, and Sat also appeared. These three qualities became the three prongs of the trident of Shiva Ji. The creation of the universe was difficult without cohesion among them. Therefore, Lord Shiva holds these three qualities in his hands in trident form.
Another belief says that the trident Lord Shiva is holding represents the Trinity of God, Man ( the masculine element), and Nature (the feminine element).
It is said that Lord Shiva is the beginning and the infinite. Even before the creation of this world, Lord Shiva was there, and he will remain even after the destruction of this creation. This means that whatever is on this world is Shiva. According to Hinduism, Tridev Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji, and Mahesh Ji are the three principal deities.
According to Ved-Purana, Lord Vishnu originated from Shiva, and Brahma Ji was born from Lord Vishnu’s navel. After that, according to the directions of Lord Shiva, Lord Brahma has created this entire creation, and Lord Vishnu has been nurturing this universe. It is said that out of these Trinity, only Shiva can destruct this creation after Kalyuga. It is mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas. Therefore, Shiva is very powerful, and the whole universe is running at the behest of him only. Thus Lord Shiva is called Mahadev.
Sati was the most supernatural of all Daksha’s daughters. Sati had done many such supernatural wonders in her childhood, which made Daksha astonished. When Sati becomes of marriageable age, Daksha starts worrying about the groom for her. He consulted Brahma Ji in this matter. Brahma Ji said Sati is the incarnation of Adi Shakti. Therefore, Lord Shiva only is the worthy and appropriate groom for the marriage of Sati.
Daksha obeyed Brahma Ji and married Adi Shakti Devi Sati with Lord Shiva. Sati started living at Mount Kailash with Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was the son-in-law of Daksha, but over time, there was a feeling of hatred and opposition towards Lord Shiva in the heart of Daksha. Once in Devaloka (heaven), Brahma Ji organized an assembly to formulate religion. All the great gods gathered in the assembly. Lord Shiva was also sitting in this assembly. Daksha arrived in the meeting hall. On the arrival of Daksha, all the gods got up and stood up, but Lord Shiva did not stand up. He also did not bow down to Daksha. As a result, Daksha felt insulted. Not only this, the fire of jealousy towards Lord Shiva ignited in his heart. Daksha started waiting for time and opportunity to take revenge from Lord Shiva.
Prajapati Daksha once decided to perform a yagna (Homam). For this Homam, he sent invitations to all the gods and goddesses, but not to Lord Shiva. Goddess Sati knew very well that the invitation would come to her, but it did not. Maa Sati was restless to go, to her father’s house, to yagna. Lord Shiva refused, saying that he has not received an invitation to come to the Havan and hence it is not proper to go there. But Mata Sati did not listen to the advice and continued her insistence for going to the yagna. Mata Sati’s strong insistence forced Lord Shiva to give her permission to go there.
Mata Sati reached her father, Prajapati Daksha place, and she saw that no one was talking to her with respect and love. All the people turned away from her, and only her mother embraced her with affection. The sisters ridiculed her and even despised Sati’s husband, Lord Shiva. There was a sense of disdain for Lord Shiva among the family members, which caused a lot of grief. Daksha also made disrespectful remarks towards Lord Shiva. Seeing all this, Mata Sati’s heart became filled with anger, guilt, and grief. She realized that not listening to Lord Shiva and coming here was a big mistake.
Mata Sati could not tolerate the humiliation of herself and her husband Lord Shiva, and then the next moment, she took the step which even Daksha would not have imagined. Devi Sati Jumped in the fire of the same yagna and sacrificed her body. Lord Shiva became sad and enraged as soon as he came to know about it. Burning in a flame of sorrow and anger, Shiva destroyed that yagna of Daksha.
According to a legend grieved by the death of Mata Sati, Lord Shiva went into deep meditation and penance. For many years Lord Shiva stayed away from worldly affairs. To fulfill the prophecy that the demon Tarakasura will be killed by the son of Lord Shiva, Sage Narada approached Maa Parvati and told her about her previous birth as Mata Sati. He asked Maa Parvati to do penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband. Mata Parvati did hard penance for thousands of years, remaining foodless, waterless, and in open which made her body black covered with dust, soil, leaves, etc. Pleased with the austerity of the Maa Parvati, The recluse Lord Shiva agreed to marry her. Shiva Ji asks her to wash her body with the Ganges flowing out through his hairs. After which, the Goddess becomes extremely radiant fair-like electricity.
Lord Shankar sent the Saptarishis to Maa Parvati to test her affection for him. They made many efforts to convince Parvati that Shiva Ji is not a suitable groom. She will not get happiness by marrying him. But Parvati remained firm in her thoughts. Seeing her perseverance, the Saptarishis were very happy, blessed her to be successful, and returned to Lord Shiva. Lord Shankar was very pleased to hear the episode of Parvati’s steadfast love from the Saptarishis. The Saptarishis decided the marriage day, time, etc., of the marriage of Shiva and Parvati.
Lord Shiva took a procession and came to the Himwan’s home on the day. He was riding on the bull. He had trident in one hand and damru in one hand and the garland of snake in his neck. In his procession, along with all the gods, he also had ghosts, demons, nandi (bull) etc. The entire guests in the procession were singing and dance. The procession of Lord Shiva, which pleased the whole world, was very heartwarming. The marriage ceremony commenced in the presence of Brahma Ji. In this way, Shiva and Parvati got married on the auspicious day, which is celebrated as Mahashivratri, and by taking Parvati along, Shiva started living happily on Mount Kailash.
God is the universal, formless, eternal divine element. Purusha (man) is the soul, and Prakriti (female) is a manifestation of Nature. Mata Shakti (or Nature) symbolizes energy, power, change, and Nature. Mata Shakti is the maternal element – the provider for all. Whether they are humans or animals, the Mata Shakti provides nourishment, security, and warmth to all living beings. There is no equivalent of a mother’s love present in this creation. A child is carried and nourished by the mother in her body. And after the birth mother provides the child with her milk and raises it at the sacrifice of her self desires.
SHIVA (or Man) is pure consciousness. Purusha (Man) is like the empty, clear screen on which Nature (Shakti/Women) projects her colorful film. Only on the combination of Shiva and Shakti can creation and action arise. Until energy is combined with consciousness, it is aimless ignorant, disordered, and “blind.” Energy in itself cannot produce anything; conversely, consciousness without energy is dormant power, and on its own, consciousness is unable to create anything. Nature (women) without Purusha (man) is incapable to create; similarly, Man without women is also incapable of creating anything.
The union of Shiva and Shakti is occasionally misunderstood as a sexual relationship between “man” and “woman.” Sexuality is natural, but confusion arises when Spirituality and sexuality are mixed. Sexuality is the combination of man and woman, while Spirituality is the combination of the human with the divine consciousness. Shiva and Shakti are present within each of us as masculine and feminine elements. Shakti symbolizes the motherly love surrounding us with protection, warmth, and caring. Shiva is the paternal love that gives us consciousness, clarity, and knowledge.
Parvati wants to awaken compassion and equanimity in Shiva’s heart through spiritual practice. The practice of Parvati is different from the penance of other ascetics. Sur-asuras and sages do penance for the attainment of God and their will. Parvati meditates by keeping aside any desire or boon. She does penance not for her personal pleasure but for the world’s benefit. According to the Shiva Purana, when Mata Parvati performs meditation to find Lord Shiva, Lord Shiva watches her carefully.
He comes to the conclusion that Sati is Parvati. He thinks that if Mahadev closes his eyes, Mata will turn into Kali, and her form will become fierce. If he keeps his eyes open, she will remain beautiful and Gauri (Fair). Based on this, he wants to tell that if Nature is not seen from the point of view of knowledge, then it becomes scary. If seen with knowledge, she appears alert and beautiful. At the same time, Parvati shows her mirror to Shiva, in which he is able to see his Shankar (calm) form.
Shiva and Shakti are manifestations of different aspects of the same coin – all in one divine consciousness. Many illustrations depict these two fundamental powers as half of the same image; Women on one side and men on one side. On the left is the divine mother, Parvati, the “feminine” energy, and on the right, Shiva represents the “masculine” consciousness. Ardhanarishwar incarnation gives the message of equality of women and men. The importance of men in society, family, and life is equal to the importance of women. Their lives are incomplete without each other; both fulfill each other.
According to a legend, Sage Bhrngee was a great devotee of Mahadev, but his devotion was more fanatical. He worshiped Lord Shiva but did not worship Maa Parvati like the rest of the devotees. Though his devotion was pure and indomitable, he always considered Mata Parvati different from Lord Shiva, or it could be said that he considered her nothing. By the way, it was not his pride but his attachment to Lord Shiva and only Lord Shiva, by which he could not see anything other than Lord Shiva. Once, he went to circumambulate Lord Shiva on Kailash, but he did not want to revolve around Mata Parvati. Lord Shiva said that you would have to circumambulate Maa Shakti (Parvati) also because, without her, I am incomplete. The Bhrngee sage was not prepared for this.
Mata Parvati objected to this act of the sage and said that we are two bodies but one life; you cannot do this. But see the fanatical type of Shiva devotion, the Bhrngee sage ignored Parvati Ji and started to revolve around Lord Shiva. But seeing this, Mata Parvati sat tightly close with Lord Shiva. Another new twist in this story comes when the sage took the form of Bumblebee and tried to circumambulate Shiva by passing in between the necks of both of them. Then Lord Shiva joined himself with Maa Shakti’s body, and Ardhanarishwar form of Mahadev was born in the world. Now what the Bhrngee sage would do, but in anger, he took the form of a rat and started munching Shiva and Parvati from the middle.
CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
By making Shakti half of his body, Shiva clarified that without accepting the power of woman, man cannot be complete, and Shiva cannot be attained, and it can happen only through Goddess.