– 11 Days of Intensive Prayer for Maa Baglamukhi LIVE.
– Maa Baglamukhi Anusthan includes Baglamukhi Puja, Mantra recitation & Homam.
– Benefits include protection from and victory over enemies, controlling the mind of someone, removal of negative energies and victory in Legal Matters.
– Performed by learned Pandits based on Vedic Principles.
11 Days of Intense Prayer
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It is believed that Maa Baglamukhi with cudgel smashes the misconceptions and delusions of her devotees. By worshiping her, the enemies are stunned, and their evil intensions are destroyed.
If Maa Baglamukhi wishes, she can take away the enemy’s speech as well as bless the speech of her devotees with divinity. Maa Baglamukhi corrects mistakes and impurities of words or speech. The devotees of the Maa Baglamukhi attain both worldly enjoyment and salvation.
If one is caught in a lawsuit, plagued by enemies, can not find the reason behind constant troubles in life, faces constant problems due to a specific person, or is worried about their child, then mother Pitambari is the one who can take care of you.
Even the power of the entire universe cannot match the power of Maa Baglamukhi. Due to Maa Baglamukhi association with the golden/yellow color, she is also called “Pitambari Maa.”
Bagula (heron) bird which is associated with concentration (a pearl of great wisdom), is her vehicle. Maa Baglamukhi symbolizes a potent female primeval force. Maa Baglamukhi is the Goddess of welfare. Maa Baglamukhi is the Goddess of justice. Maa Baglamukhi despises wrongdoing, sin, and unjust desires.
Ashu ryp, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Ten Mahavidyas (great wisdom/science) are mentioned in the ancient Hindu Scriptures. These ten Mahavidyas provide unbelievable accomplishment (Siddhis) to devotees. They also have special significance in Tantra practice. The possessor of these Mahavidyas are the 10 forms or Dasavatar of Maa Durga.
Maa Durga possesses, controls, and grants Siddhis to her devotees. The person who practices these ten Mahavidyas attains all material comforts and becomes free from all bondages. Being able to understand that extend of these Mahavidyas is like showing a lamp to the Sun. These ten powers are at the root of all powers and sustain the existence of the whole universe.
These ten powers combine to form but one truth – Mata Jagadamba, also known as Maa Durga, and Adi Shakti Mata Parvati. These ten Mahavidyas are – Kali, Tara, Shodashi, Bhuvaneshwari, Chinnamasta, Tripura Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Baglamukhi, Matangi, and Kamala.
The Calcutta Art Studio, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Maa Baglamukhi is the eighth Goddess of the Ten Mahavidyas in Hinduism. Maa Baglamukhi can control the enemies by making them motionless, i.e., paralyzed, who try to harm her devotees. Maa Baglamukhi is also called Sthambini Devi, and Brahmastra Roopini. The word “Bagala” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Valga,” which means bridle or to rein in. Kubjika Tantra gives another interpretation of the name Bagala.
It says ‘Ba,’ the first letter means ‘Baruni’ or ‘She who is filled with mood to destroy the demon.’
‘Ga,’ the second letter, means ‘She who is the donor of all divine powers or accomplishments and successes to human beings.’
‘La,’ the third letter, means ‘She who is the root of all kinds of sustaining powers in the world like the earth. The Mata Baglamukhi has 108 different names.
This is a ANUSHTHANA (INTENSIVE PUJA) of 11 Days for Goddess BAGLAMUKHI one of Mahavidyas to overpower the enemies and removal of Black magic and NEGATIVE ENERGIES.
· This Anushthan helps in getting victory over your enemies making the enemy powerless.
· Maa Baglamukhi controls the mind of people troubling her devotees and they become powerless, giving them no option other than to obey her devotees.
· Maa Baglamukhi Anushthan helps in removing all illusions and have clarity of mind to proceed in life and attaining success.
· This Anushthan helps in removing Black magic from the native.
· Maa Baglamukhi Anushthan helps devotee triumphs over lawsuits and succeeds in fights and competitions.
· This Anushthan helps in success in Business or Career over the competitors.
· Maa Baglamukhi Anushthan helps in attaining Divine spiritual powers and Siddhis.
Our highly experienced Pandits (Acharayas) will perform Intense prayers as a part of the Maa Baglamukhi Maha Anushthan. The Prayers would span over 11 days. You can book the prayer timings for each day (1 hour for 11 days) according to your schedule by selecting the reoccurring Puja option while booking. You will be able to watch a live Maa Baglamukhi Maha Anusthan Online, performed specifically for you. Maa Baglamukhi Maha Anusthan will include your photo, name, birth details, and would be tailored specifically for you. The Maha Anushthan is performed according to the guidelines prescribed by our ancient sages and Vedic literature using authentic materials (Samagri).The team of Live Online Puja ensures that your Maa Baglamukhi Maha Anushthan is performed by learned Indian Pandits, with the help of a click and in the comfort of your home. Bring this auspiciousness and good luck into your life right now, for a better tomorrow.
Maa Baglamukhi is depicted as a young woman who wears a yellow saree and sits on a golden throne, decorated with priceless gems, on the island of Manima located in the midst of an ocean. Her complexion is golden yellow. Dressed in yellow clothes, Maa Baglamukhi is adorned by a garland of yellow flowers and with yellow (golden) ornaments. The other jewels of the Goddess are also yellow and studded with priceless gems.
Maa Baglamukhi is depicted as grabbing and pulling the tongue of a demon by her left hand, thereby stopping the demon from uttering any more words while her right hand is raised to strike the demon with a mace, making the enemy extremely fearful. Holding the demon’s tongue by the Goddess means that the Maa Baglamukhi is worshiped for giving and taking speech power.
A yellow crescent moon adorns Maa Baglamukhi’s forehead. Maa Baglamukhi gets this name only because of the supernatural beauty and power to control enemies by making them motionless, i.e., paralyzed. Bagula (heron) bird, which is associated with concentration (a pearl of great wisdom), is her vehicle.
Arnab Dutta, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The most popular belief regarding Maa Baglamukhi’s manifestation dates back to the time when the Demon Madan did penance and got the boon of Vak siddhi, according to which everything he said became true. He abused this boon and harassed innocent people on the earth.
Angry with his mischief, the gods worshipped Maa Baglamukhi. Mata stopped the wrath of the demons by holding his tongue and stopping his speech. Holding of the demon’s tongue by the Goddess means that the Goddess has the power to give and take speech power. She wanted to kill him, but he asked to worship her. Maa Baglamukhi believed him, and this is the reason he is depicted with the Maa Baglamukhi.
The place of manifestation of Baglamukhi Devi is believed to be in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat. It is said that Maa Baglamukhi had manifested in turmeric-colored water. She is also called Pitambara Devi due to the yellow color of turmeric. According to another belief, the appearance of the Goddess is related to Lord Vishnu. As a result, Maa Baglamukhi belongs to the Vaishnava sect.
More popular legends of manifestation of Baglamukhi Mata:
Lord Vishnu’s penance for Baglamukhi Manifestation
In the Satyug, a fierce storm started destroying the entire world. This storm was moving forward, destroying everything. Lord Vishnu became worried after seeing the crisis on the lives of the creatures. With no solution to this problem, Lord Vishnu started remembering Lord Shiva; then Lord Shiva said: Apart from Maa Shakti, no one can stop this destruction, so you go to her shelter.
Then Lord Vishnu performed rigorous penance to please Maa Bhagwati on the banks of a lake called Haridra (meaning turmeric) in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Pleased with his tenacity, Maa Bhagwati in her manifestation of Maa Baglamukhi, came out of the lake and immediately calmed the devastating storm and restored order in the world. Baglamukhi Mahavidya is Vaishnavi because of her association with Lord Vishnu. She emerged at midnight of Mangalukta Chaturdashi. Shri Baglamukhi is also known as Brahmastra.
Brahma Ji was the first one who worshiped Maa Baglamukhi later, he preached the Bagala Sadhana to the Sankadik sages, Devarshi Narada, who was inspired by the Kumaras, who also meditated on the Goddess. The second worshiper of Maa Baglamukhi became Lord Vishnu himself, the upholder of the world, and the third Lord Parashurama. Saptarishis have also worshipped her from time to time in the Vedic period.
In Tretayuga, Maa Baglamukhi was also worshiped by Ravana. Ravana worshiped Mata to destroy the enemies and achieve Victory. When Lord Sri Ram came to know about this during the Lanka war, he also worshiped the destroyer of enemies, Maa Baglamukhi, and got the Victory. The Pandavas built the temple of Maa Baglamukhi during the hiding period of exile and offered prayers. Here Arjuna and Bhima first performed special Puja to get powers and to get the blessings for Victory of Maa Baglamukhi.
Maa Baglamukhi is worshiped for success, victory over the enemy, controlling the mind of and thoughts of someone, victory in lawsuits, political achievements, and debates. By worshiping her, the enemies are destroyed, and the life of the devotees becomes free from all troubles. Maa Baglamukhi Puja clears the illusions and confusions of the devotees and gives them a clear path to proceed in life. No matter what kind of crisis the devotee faces, Maa eliminates them. On invoking her, the person destroys the enemy. Maa Baglamukhi Puja and the Goddess’s powers are used to achieve Victory in work, in wealth, and in life.
Maa Baglamukhi gives triumph in war and provides speech power. She is worshiped for victory in war and destruction of enemies. Her worship is recommended for those in professions that require communication to earn wealth. It is said that Krishna and Arjuna worshiped Maa Baglamukhi before the war of Mahabharata in Nalkheda.
Hemant_sahu_Raj, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Maa Baglamukhi Puja effectively resolves ongoing legal cases pertaining to divorce, property disputes, money disputes, etc. Maa Baglamukhi Puja helps neutralize the effects of black magic and provides protection against it for the future. Maa Baglamukhi Puja is a safeguard against visible and non-visible enemies and protects / shields from evil intentions. Maa Baglamukhi Puja is the solution to all problems relating to financial debts or huge financial losses. Maa Baglamukhi Puja gives health, wealth, and prosperity that makes life a happy one.
Maa Baglamukhi is also called the Goddess of Rajyog. Therefore, the leaders also go to her shelter. The high-ranking officer, leaders in their fields, actors, sportsmen, all receive blessings of Victory by worshipping Maa Pitambari. Special accomplishments (Siddhis) are attained by worshiping the Mahavidya in form of Maa Baglamukhi during the night.
calcutta art studio, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Maa Baglamukhi removes the fear of the devotees and destroys the enemies and their evil powers. Maa Baglamukhi Puja removes all the devotees’ sorrows and gives confidence, fearlessness, and courage to devotees. Whether it is war, politics, or court disputes, everyone gets the desired fruit by her worship. By doing her spiritual practice, one gets enlightenment.
Worshiping this Mahavidya or spiritual practice in the nighttime leads to special attainment of Powers. Maa Baglamukhi is the master of Stambhava Shakti (paralytic power). Maa is yellow like gold, so the devotee should wear yellow clothes while worshiping Maa Baglamukhi. Mata is pleased by offering yellow flowers and coconut.
Legal Matters
In order to win a court case or lawsuit, Maa Baglamukhi Puja is a very beneficial Puja. This Puja effectively resolves ongoing legal cases pertaining to divorce, property disputes, money disputes, etc. It is also very beneficial in matters where a person is wrongly accused. No matter how unfavorable the legal issue is, this Puja brings a favourable outcome. The devotee achieves Victory in lawsuits and succeeds in quarrels and competitions.
This Puja is a safeguard against visible and non-visible enemies and protects / shields from evil intentions. This Puja helps neutralize the effects of black magic and provides protection against the same for the future. Enemies will grow powerless when trying to act against the devotee, and their vicious plots will turn futile and ineffective. Fear of enemies is removed. Maa Baglamukhi worship destroys enemies, and the life of the devotee is freed from all obstacles.
Financial Issues
Maa Baglamukhi Puja provides solution to all problems relating to financial debts or huge financial losses. It helps in the growth of the business, starting new business ventures, resolving career, jobs, and business problems.
Protection of the children and family
Maa Baglamukhi is worshiped for victory in war and destruction of enemies. If plagued by enemies or not getting diagnosed or worried about your child, then Maa Pitambari will take care of you. If there are fluctuations in life, this Puja can help balance the positive and negative aspects. This Puja helps students get a focused mind to concentrate on the studies better, which results in achieving good marks.
Overall Well-being
This Puja gives health, wealth, and prosperity that make life a happy one. This Puja establishes harmony in home and life. The devotee’s mind and heart fill with positive energy that helps move on the path of success.
Obstacles Removal and Enlightenment
The supreme benefit of worshipping Maa Baglamukhi is that her worship removes devotee’s illusions and confusions and provides the devotees a clear path to proceed in life. This Puja removes all the sorrows of devotees, and it gives confidence, fearlessness, and courage to devotees. Whether it is war or politics, or court disputes, everyone gets the desired fruit by her worship. By doing her spiritual practice, one gets enlightenment.
• The chances of the decision of the court cases in favour of the person are strong.
• Victory is achieved in court disputes that have been pending for years.
• The devotee is blessed with Victory over a strong enemy side in court cases.
• Provides relief to the person from all kinds of legal problems and obstacles.
• The negative effects of tantric actions performed by enemies and opponents become incapable of causing harm.
• The family of the devotee gets protection from enemies.
Mahavidyaa, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
• Put a yellow coloured cloth at the checkpoint.
• Establish a picture or statue of Maa Baglamukhi on it.
• Lit lamps in front of the deity offer her yellow flowers and yellow Naivedya.
• First, worship Mahakal (Lord Shiva) and then recite the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra.
• Then recite the Bagalamukhi kavacham.
• After this, chant the mantra stated below and pray for the fulfilment of your resolve.
“ऊँ ह्रीं बगलामुखी सर्वदुष्टानां वाचं मुखं पदं स्तंभय, जिह्ववां कीलय, बुद्धि विनाशय, ह्रीं ॐ स्वाहा”
• “Aum Hreem Baglamukhi sarv dushtanaam vaacham mukham padam stambhyaJivhaam keelya, buddhim vinaashya hreem aum swaaha”
• Chant this mantra for at least thirty-six thousand or preferably one lakh times. This chanting can be done on your behalf by an expert priest at Live Online Puja.
• After these rituals, Homam should also be performed.
Mahavidyaa, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
• Maa Baglamukhi Puja is the worship of Tantra and hence should not be done without the guidance of any teacher. Sadhana becomes successful soon if done in a holy environment under solitude, in a temple of the mother, on the Himalayas, or by sitting with a learned person.
• Performing celibacy is compulsory during the days of worship.
• Do not get a haircut during the day of Puja rituals.
• Maa Baglamukhi is very fond of yellow colour, so yellow material is used the most in her worship. In Maa Baglamukhi Puja, one should use yellow posture, yellow clothes, yellow fruits, and yellow Naivedya (Prasad).
• Light a lamp of cow’s ghee, burn the lamp wick which is dyed with turmeric, or dry the wick dyed in yellow turmeric beforehand.
• Use turmeric beads for chanting Maa Baglamukhi’s Mantras.
• Chant specific mantras of Maa Baglamukhi between 10 pm to 4 am during the night.
• Observe Fasting during the days of the Puja. Keep one consistent rule for the fasts, e.g. you can take food once during the day while avoiding excessive salt or sugar, or you can take only on fruits throughout the day. Just ensure to keep the consistency in fasting.
• The suitable time for worship is evening or midnight.
• To pacify the enemies and opponents, worship Mata on Baglamukhi Jayanti (birth anniversary).
It is said that Maa Baglamukhi Puja should be performed at night. Mars (Mangal) is also dear to Mata as such, worshipping Goddess on Tuesday is very auspicious. Yellow colour clothes and worship materials are used in Maa Baglamukhi Puja. Turmeric garlands are also used for chanting Maa Baglamukhi mantra. Worship her on her birth anniversary (Maa Baglamukhi Jayanti), which falls on Shukla Ashtami (Eighth day) of Vaishakh month (April-May), to pacify enemies and opponents. This Puja can also be performed on a day based on the person’s birth chart, preferably on Tuesday.
Alokjain19883105, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
• Offer two knots of turmeric to Mother Baglamukhi on Baglamukhi Jayanti. This day, the effect of your prayers would become multi-fold.
• Perform Aarti, Puja, and Homam (if possible) for pleasing the Goddess.
• Pray to the Maa Baglamukhi to free you of the enemies, opponents, negativities, and troubles.
• Chant one of the mantras listed below (based on your desire from the Puja) and pray to Mata for the fulfilment of your wish.
• Keep a turmeric knot with you and Flow the second knot in the river. You will be safe from all obstacles with the blessings of Mata.
• To worship Maa Baglamukhi, take an early morning bath and in north-east direction in a pure place in the house place a yellow cloth-covered outpost and install the idol of Shri Ganesh and Mata Baglamukhi.
• Now purify the room and the outpost with Gangajal. Place silver, copper, or clay urns on the outpost, fill it with water, and place coconut on it.
• At the time of installation, worship the deities, Navagrahas, pilgrimages, and your Kul Devi.
• After this, take a pledge of worship and pray to all the Gods and Goddesses installed at the post using Vedic mantras dedicated to each God.
• Now lit a lamp and Dhoop in front of the deities and offer Flowers, Naivedya, Fruit, Paan Leaves, Yellow clothes, Prasad etc.
• While worshipping, chant the mantra “ॐ ह्लीं बगलामुखी देव्यै ह्लीं ॐ नमः” “om hleem bagalaamukhee devyai hleem om Namah.” Or chant one of the Mantras listed below based on your wish from the Puja.
• When these rituals are complete, perform Aarti, distribute the Prasad, and repeat this prayer for at least 5 days in a row.
Sumita Roy Dutta, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Baglamukhi Mantra for Removal of Fear
Offer yellow clothes and bales of turmeric to the Goddess and chant the mantra:
“ॐ ह्लीं ह्लीं ह्लीं बगले सर्व भयं हन”
“om hleem hleem hleem bagale sarv bhayan han”
Baglamukhi Mantra for Lawsuit
• Wrap a coconut in a black cloth and offer it to Baglamukhi Devi.
• Keep it facing west at the time of mantra chanting.
• Make nine lemon garlands and offer to Maa Baglamukhi
• Chant this mantra:
“ॐ बगलामुखी देव्यै ह्लीं ह्रीं क्लीं शत्रु नाशं कुरु”
“om bagalaamukhee devyai hleem hreem kleem shatru naasham kuru”
Baglamukhi Mantra to protect the family and children from a specific threat
• Read this mantra for the safety of your children and family. Maa forms a protective layer around your family, is she is pleased with your worship. Make sure to chant the Mantra for at least 108 times and for at least 21 days continuously once begun.
“ॐ हं ह्लीं बगलामुखी देव्यै कुमारं रक्ष रक्ष”
“om ham hleem bagalaamukhee devyai kumaaram raksh raksh”
• Offer sweet jaggery bread to Maa Baglamukhi.
• Offer two coconuts to Maa Baglamukhi.
Baglamukhi Mantra for overall protection of family
• Offer five dry fruits with pan, sweet, and fruit.
• Read Bagala Kavach daily and chant the mantra:
“ॐ हां हां हां ह्लीं बज्र कवचाय हुम”
Baglamukhi Mantra to destroy poverty
• Worship Maa Baglamukhi daily in the morning and chant this mantra to destroy poverty with a garland of turmeric.
“श्रीं ह्रीं ऐं भगवती बगले मे श्रियं देहि देहि स्वाहा”
“shreem hreem aim bhagavatee bagale me shriyam dehi dehi svaaha.
Some of the Rituals included in Elaborate Maa Baglamukhi Puja are:
Sthapana (Ganesh, Devi, Navgraha Kalash, Brahma), Sankalp, Ganesh Pujan, Navgraha Puja, Brahman Varn, Maa Baglamukhi Puja, Baglamukhi yantra Puja, Mantra chanting, Baglamukhi kavach recitation, Homam with Ahutis of ghee,honey, sugar, til, yellow mustard, & then Aarti.
Donations to needy people, animals, and birds play an important role for the success of the Puja.
Scott Dexter, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The Baglamukhi Jayanti falls on Shukla Ashtami (Eight days) of Vaishakh month (April-May) and is celebrated all over India. Devotees observe fasts to please Maa Baglamukhi. Mata’s Jagran and chowki are also organized by the devotees. Those who want to achieve Siddhis worship the form of Maa Baglamukhi in which she is pulling the tongue of the enemy with the left hand and hitting the tongue of the enemy with the mace in the right hand.
• On the morning of Baglamukhi Jayanti, wear yellow clothes after bath.
• Sprinkle the holy place of worship, where the Puja is to be done with Ganges water.
• With a focused mind and sincere heart, perform the worship of the Maa Baglamukhi while chanting the Beej Mantra of Mata Baglamukhi.
• Yellow rice, yellow flowers, and yellow Prasad are dedicated to Baglamukhi Devi.
• On the day of Baglamukhi Jayanti, offer food, sweets, fruits, and five types of dry fruits to the Goddess.
• After this, offer water to her. Offer gram lentils to Maa Baglamukhi on the day of Baglamukhi Jayanti.
• After the worship, donate these to a Brahmin along with other donation items.
This creates a strong layer of protection for your family. The houses in which fighting often takes place, one should offer yellow flowers to the Maa Baglamukhi on the day of Maa Baglamukhi Jayanti.
The atmosphere of the house will become peaceful as a result of Mata’s blessings. It is considered auspicious to chant Maa Baglamukhi Mantra with a garland of turmeric. The mother is pleased with the devotees who worship the mother with a sincere heart.
Work2win, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
It is beyond the comprehension of scholars to understand the mystery of the Datia Mandir of Madhya Pradesh. It is such a Siddhpeetha, where not only does the unique grace of Maa Baglamukhi shower on the devotees, but the devotees themselves also see different forms of the mother in three praharas (Morning. Noon, and Evening). Mother Pitambara Devi bears different forms in the three praharas. If a devotee has seen some form of mother in the morning, then in the second stroke (noon), he gets the privilege of seeing another form. Nobody could know the secret of the changing nature of mother till date. It is considered a mystery only. Apart from this, devotees get darshan of Maa Baglamukhi from a small window only.
Not only this, special worship is done in this temple to get the power in politics. Devotees who wish for royalty (ruling power/ Rajsatta) come here and offer secret worship. According to beliefs, many big miracles have happened in this temple. Apart from this, those who come to the shelter of Maa Baglamukhi, their enemies, cannot harm them. People say about this, during the war with China, only Maa Baglamukhi in Datia helped us. After which, the Chinese army stopped the war.
In fact, at the request of military officials and the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru during the Indo-China war, 51 Kundya Mahayagya was done with the inspiration of Maa Baglamukhi to protect the country. As a result, on the 11th day, with the final sacrifice (Purnahuti), China withdrew its forces. At that time, the Yajnashala built for the Yagna is still located here. This incident is also mentioned on the signboard here. This Siddhapeeth was established in 1935 by Swami Ji. It is believed that this miraculous Dham is known as a Siddha Peetha due to Swamiji’s chanting and austerity.
The temple of Maa Baglamukhi is in Bankhandi village of district Kangra. Here Arjuna and Bhima first performed special Puja to gain powers in the war and to get the grace of Maa Baglamukhi. A life-size Shivling is enshrined in the ancient Shivalya in the temple, where people perform Jalabhishek ( anointment with water/milk) after paying their respect to the mother.
This temple is the centre of the faith of millions of people. The form of the mother described in the manuscripts, Mata, sits here in the same form. Maa Baglamukhi appeared in turmeric-colored water. Due to the yellow colour, the Mata is also called Pitambari Devi. Yellow colour is very dear to her, so yellow material is used in her worship. Everything in the temple is yellow.
Even clothes, offerings, molly, the colour of the temple is yellow. At Maa Baglamukhi temple, people, caught in the litigation, to resolve family strife and ground disputes, for Victory in debate, Navagrahas peace, Riddhi-siddhi attainment, and all troubles perform Havan. To achieve Victory in politics, the first woman Prime Minister Indira Gandhi has also worshiped in this temple.
In addition to Mata Baglamukhi, Mata Lakshmi, Shri Krishna, Shri Hanuman, Bhairav Ji , and Maa Saraswati are also seated in this temple. Maharaja Yudhishthira founded this temple on the instruction of Lord Krishna to get Victory in Mahabharata. It is believed that the Baglamukhi statue here is self generate (syvamboh). In this temple, people perform Yagna, Havan, or Pujan to fulfill their wishes or conquer any area.
Baglamukhi Mata is the Goddess of Tantra; hence the importance of tantric rituals here is more. Bilvapatra, Champa, Amla, Neem, and Peepal trees are situated together in this temple. A beautiful and green garden is built around it. Devotees throng here in Navratri. Due to the temple being in the cremation area, it is visited by a small number of people throughout the year.