We are available 24/7 to answer all your questions. If you have any doubts about the Puja, homam, or yagna you want to book or want more information regarding any of our services, we are eager to assist you with it.
If you are facing problems in any aspect of your life and are unsure of the solution, we can recommend for you the Puja or Homam that would be the most beneficial for dealing with that situation. The Puja and Homam recommendations are absolutely free. We ask you to Please add your Birth Details (Name, Place of Birth, and Time of Birth) along with a brief summary of your needs (sankalp), for best recommendations of Pujas. Our mission is to ensure that every household has an instant and easy access to Puja and Homam services. We aim to bring peace, harmony, and prosperity in the lives of devotees through the blessings of God.
If you have any questions or need a Puja recommendation, give us a call.
You can also email us at contact@liveonlinepuja.com. The team of Live Online Puja is happy to assist you.
We are constantly adding more Puja Services to our website. If you can not find the Puja or Homam that you are looking for, please get in touch with us by filling the form below. You can request any special Puja services you desire. And our team would get in touch with you to make the necessary arrangements for it.