Since ancient times, the supernatural, paranormal, magical powers and spiritual powers obtained through meditation and penance in Indian culture has been called Siddhi. Siddhi means the attainment of perfection, accomplishment and the feeling of success. A person who achieves Siddhis through difficult path attains the perfection of life. Achieving unusual skill or ability is called Siddhi.
Indian ancient texts have detailed descriptions of many Siddhis, of which eight types of Siddhis are the most famous. These eight Siddhis, the most popular, have been named as Ashta Siddhis in Indian culture. In mythological texts, Mata Durga is said to be the provider of Ashta Siddhis and nine Nidhis. Shri Ram bhagat Mahavir Hanuman is also considered to provide eight types of Siddhi and nine types of Nidhis.
The path of attainment of Siddhis is not so easy. For this one has to be disciplined in life and should have complete control of mind. After the achievement of these Siddhis no work of this universe becomes impossible for seeker (Saadhak). After the attainment of theses Siddhis the seeker rises above the worldly attachment and longing for the acquiring of material things.
Hanuman by virtue of his knowledge, intelligence and knowledge, attained Ashta Siddhis and nine Nidhis, became extremely powerful and attained invincible and divinity status, that is why in the relation of Ashta Siddhis it is mentioned in Hanuman Chalisa- “Asht siddhi nav nidhi ke data, Asavar deen jaanakee maata “On the basis of this line, the belief in the folks has been strengthened that by the grace of Mother Sita, Hanuman offers Ashta Siddhi and Navi Nidhi to his worthy devotees.